Sunday, 2 February 1964
Church (both) Claire +
Charlie stopped in P.M. and
stayed for supper.
30s Clear + Windy
Church (both) Claire +
Charlie stopped in P.M. and
stayed for supper.
30s Clear + Windy
Clear. 30s
Choir and picked up Claire
met with Pastor, Vogts +
Nelson was there to set up
committees for this year in AM.
Shopped for Claire because
Margie was sick
Went to dinner with
Henry K the host because it
was Roses birthday (1/25)
Babe + Larry
Gladys + Bennett
at Salisbury
Visited Ted Wilson in
Freeport Hospital with
Bob Goodwin. Ted
went home after visiting
Clear 20s
Went up to Church AM+ PM
to prepare Lenten banks for
mailing. Bill M Paul S + George
Orth also.
Mom baby sat while Claire
+ I went to choir.
Clear teens
Snow about 12 inches
Shoveled sidewalk
Went to Lame Duck
council meeting. Had
coffee + cake at the parsonage
Snow 20’s
Mommy’s Athena meeting has been can-
celled because of snow. It
snowed all day + part of
the night.
Clear Windy 30’s
Picked up W Morrison + worked
on envelopes.
Claire + kids came for shop
Got glasses in Hempstead for
those I lost
C Christoffers supposed to
come at 8.30 PM
Claire + Dolores to bridge
Mommy babysit till Wil comes home
Chas Christoffers came + he
is out as far as church is
concerned. I hope Terry + Shiffy come back.
Clear 40s
Tried Morrison’s washer again
+ no luck. Mommy going to
Dot H for bridge Esther +
Ella H also.
Claire went Bowling +
did good. I baby sat.
Expect to “visit” tonight
Clear in the 40’s
Shopped and I cut some
wood. Went to Funeral
Parlor (Williams) for Carl
Muller’s father.
Baby sat at Cl +Ch
while they went across the
street for a quiet party
with John + Polly.
Clear, in the 40’s
Claire + kids came about 9:15
I picked up Randy at 10:15 so
Dolores could take the girls to
see “Jack and the Beanstalk” at the
Mineola Playhouse. Everybody left
by 3:30. Went to Goodwins
for a drink and Bridge at 5
oclock. A very pleasant time.