Monthly Archives: August 2011

Started to wash gowns

Monday, 31 August 1964

Started to wash gowns
for church.

Biff Nelson passed as an
installer. I am sure he
will make good.

Baby sat at Claire’s in
evening while they arranged
for a will. Drank a
very cold beer + couldn’t
sleep all night.

warm Clear Cloudy

Played golf with Bill V

Tuesday, 25 August 1964

Played golf with Bill V
+ Pastor at Salisbury. 52?

Dolly had a little party
for Alma for going to
England to see her sister.

Here – Dot N., Esther W.,
Vivian, Ella H., Rose K and

Dolores + kids stopped
in about 5 PM for a
few minutes .

Counted in Church.

Warm Clear