Wednesday, 22 January 1964
Clear. 40s
Mommy’s bridge here Dot H
Ella H Esther. I minded
Randy till 2:30 while Dolores
Antoniette + Warren stopped
in in PM. Also Alma
+ Bill Morrison.
Clear. 40s
Mommy’s bridge here Dot H
Ella H Esther. I minded
Randy till 2:30 while Dolores
Antoniette + Warren stopped
in in PM. Also Alma
+ Bill Morrison.
Clear, Cloudy. High 51′
I Shopped in AM for Mommys
bridsge tomorrow.
Counted in church.
Mommy filled in at Ella’s H
for bridge.
Rain. 40s
Mommy went to movies this PM
with Dot H + Dot G
Clear 20s
Went up to Church AM+ PM
to prepare Lenten banks for
mailing. Bill M Paul S + George
Orth also.
Mom baby sat while Claire
+ I went to choir.
Clear teens
Snow about 12 inches
Shoveled sidewalk
Went to Lame Duck
council meeting. Had
coffee + cake at the parsonage
Snow 20’s
Mommy’s Athena meeting has been can-
celled because of snow. It
snowed all day + part of
the night.
40s Hard Rain
Got up late. Mommy went to
WOC in PM. I went +
worked on box of envelopes
left in church. Picked up
Ella H too.
Going to choir to night
Mommy attended the chancel
committee meeting to-
Clear 40s
Tried Morrison’s washer again
+ no luck. Mommy going to
Dot H for bridge Esther +
Ella H also.
Claire went Bowling +
did good. I baby sat.
Expect to “visit” tonight
Cloudy, Rain
Tried to fix Morrisons washer
no luck. Cut wood +
went to count in church.
Mommy don’t feel too good