Sunday, 9 February 1964
Went to church (both)
Dot & Rudy Nelson also there.
Went to Will + Dolores for
dinner. It was very nice.
Uncle Ernst also.
Went to church (both)
Dot & Rudy Nelson also there.
Went to Will + Dolores for
dinner. It was very nice.
Uncle Ernst also.
Mommy went to Esther
Wolz for Bridge in PM.
I went to church to help
prepare letter.
Clear, 52 degrees tops
Mommy to Athena in PM and
to WoC in the evening.
Pastor Trexler showed pictures
of Holy Land.
I helped Morrison on
statements for church.
Church (both) Claire +
Charlie stopped in P.M. and
stayed for supper.
30s Clear + Windy
Clear. 30s
Choir and picked up Claire
met with Pastor, Vogts +
Nelson was there to set up
committees for this year in AM.
Clear. 30s.
Congregational meeting. I was
elected VP of the Church.
I think Vogts was deeply
hurt that he was not
Couples Club. Only I
went. Mommy had a cold
in her back.
Gal from India spoke.
What poise! and only 16
years old.
Church (me)
Clear. 40s
Church (both) Charlie’s
birthday. Went there at
3:30 PM for party + supper.
Will, Dol +_ kids, Henry – Rose
Babe-Larry +Uncle Ernst
went. Got home about
8:45 PM. A nice time was
had. The kids played
very well together.
30s Clear
Went to Church to get Lenten
Banks set for mailing in
PM. Went back in PM to
meet Potente to discuss Mosaic
and windows for chapel.
He took Mosaic bank +
said windows would be
2500 instead of 1450.
Clear 20s
Went up to Church AM+ PM
to prepare Lenten banks for
mailing. Bill M Paul S + George
Orth also.
Mom baby sat while Claire
+ I went to choir.