Thursday, October 14, 1965
To Claire’s to babysit at nite
Cancer dressing in the AM
Thursday, October 14, 1965
To Claire’s to babysit at nite
Cancer dressing in the AM
Friday, October 1, 1965
I have a cold.
Claire not here for lunch today
Dad to church to help Athena
set up their dishes
Then he went shopping
Claire stopped by in afternoon.
Think Kathy is starting with
the “oohies”
Thursday, September 30, 1965
Went to church to address
envelopes for Autumn Tea.
Dot N. Esther W. Ella H.
Alma M. – Dot Emons came later
Baby sat at Claire’s for choir.
Wednesday, September 29, 1965
Had 3 kids here for lunch
while girls bowled.
Went to see Helen at nite
after her return home from the
She seems pretty
good – ulcer bothers her not
her rear-end
Tuesday, September 28, 1965
Took tapings off –
feet seem ok
Dad to counting at nite
Monday, September 27, 1965
Hoppe’s for dinner. Kids
stayed overnight. Had
a good time.
Sunday, September 26, 1965
Kathy to S.S. – not Margy
Claire picked her up at 10:30
Couple’s Club at nite. nice
showing – Boy Ambassador
from Freeport spoke.
Saturday, September 25, 1965
Claire + Chas to Joyce Freiling
We had kids here overnight
– fire whistles. Margy had
loose BM.
Friday, September 24, 1965
Claire came for lunch
Margy pretty good
Wednesday, September 22, 1965
To Dot Nelson’s for lunch
Helen Gray was there –
looks good.
To Com. meeting at church
for autumn tea at nite