Sunday, 7 March 1965
Birthday party for
Mommy. All kids + families
here including Kato.
All came for supper +
had a grand time.
Sunday, 7 March 1965
Birthday party for
Mommy. All kids + families
here including Kato.
All came for supper +
had a grand time.
Friday, 5 March 1965
World day of Prayer – Baptist
Church for Mommy.
Thursday, 4 March 1865
Mommy to W.O.C. I
am to show slides which
I did,
Wednesday, 3 March 1965
Did nothing all day
Mommy to church in
AM with Dot Nelson
I went in evening. Mommy
baby sat for Claire + Charlie
New choir members
Tuesday, 2 March 1965
Counted at night. Worked
Monday, 1 March 1965
Mommy + Babe to Athena in
Limed the back yard +
tied up some branches.
Sunday, 28 February 1965
Both to Church. Couple’s Club
in evening. Showed silent
Alma + Bill stopped in
for a drink before Couple’ s
Club .
Henry + Rose off to Florida
Thursday, 27 February 1965
Stopped at Funeral
Parlor for Bill Papp’s
sister in Valley Stream.
Friday, 26 February 1965
Tired after party
Went to Bridge at Peg +
John . Took Katy to
Sullivan’s after party. Got
home at 1:30 AM.
Stopped at Nettie Dunker’s
wake before bridge.
Thursday, 25 February 1965
To Frank Aires dinner at
American Hotel. Nice party
but crowded.
Ella’s Aunt Tenn died last night + Bill Papp
couldn’t go to Frank’s party.