Category Archives: yearbook entry

Off to Williamsburg at

Tuesday, April 6 1965

Off to Williamsburg at
6:15 AM. Picked up Ant. +
Warren at 6:30 AM. 2nd
Breakfast in How J at end
of jersey Turnpike. Lunch
in Delaware at 1PM where
sourpuss served us (Route 13)
Food was delicious however.
Rain – Rain in PM. Crossed
Chesapeake bridge in a thick
fog (too bad) Arrived in
Williamsburg 5:30 PM.
Dinner in cafeteria
Excellent food + to bed
to bed (Tired)

Church – Mommy at 9

Sunday, 4 April 1965

Church – Mommy at 9
me 11. Margie registered
in SS.

Joyce, Frank +  his mother
supposed to come in PM. She
called and said they couldn’t
come because Frank was sick.
What a faker she is.

Stopped at Wil + D to see
Mrs. Schreiber. She is pretty

She is a faker because she
babysat for Muriel in PM.

Randy here.

Wednesday, March 31, 1965

Randy here.

Met Athena Club
women. Mrs. Burnett + Mrs.
McAllister and showed them
the church + basement for
their use. No final
decision made.

Mommy to babysit at
Claire’s. Me to church +