Wednesday, May 12, 1965
Dad minded Randy – Last
day for Dolores’ bowling.
Uncle has no broken
ribs – x-rays show.
Ann Warncke + Fred supposed
to come for supper but cancelled
I went to Dora Manning for
program planning LCW
Wednesday, May 12, 1965
Dad minded Randy – Last
day for Dolores’ bowling.
Uncle has no broken
ribs – x-rays show.
Ann Warncke + Fred supposed
to come for supper but cancelled
I went to Dora Manning for
program planning LCW
Tuesday, May 11. 1965
To Athena Luncheon at
Carl Hoppl’s in Westbury –
very nice program.
Baby sat at night so
Claire + Chas could go to
choir. Dad to count +
Sunday, May 9, 1965
Mother’s Day
Took kids to SS
To Claire’s at 4 for Kathy’s
5th birthday.
Uncle Ernst fell up the
steps and got shook up.
Saturday, May 8, 1965
Went to church in AM to
fix sprinkler system #1. Big
trouble + hope to fix it
next week.
Friday, May 7, 1965
May Day Luncheon
at our church. I was the
leader and Dad played
the organ. Both did very well.
Had a good crowd and
somebody forgot to put
the cheese in the macaroni
– aud.
Thursday, May 6, 1965
L. C W meeting at 1 p.m.
Baby-sat for Claire at
night so she could go to
Wednesday, May 5, 1965
Dad baby-sat for Randy
I went to SS Yacht Club
with Kitty Neumann +
cousins. Had a lovely
Tuesday, May 4, 1965
To Esther Walz’s for lunch
Very warm day and Esther
couldn’t turn heat off in
the apartment.
Dad came home with
a good catch = but weary.
They had a fine time
Monday, May 3 1965
Took Susie away
Expect to go to Greenport
with A Neumann + Bob G
I went to Annual
Meeting at Athena.
Sunday, May 2, 1965
Wil Dol Charlie Claire +
kids here in PM for supper.
Muriel, Bill + kids came
in PM but did not stay
for supper.
Susie died about 11 PM.